Magnet Beauty
A live chat software company that provides live chat staffing by utilizing gig economy workers in the beauty industry
Magnet Beauty differentiates itself from other live chat software companies by additionally providing staffing for the live chat services. The agents are carefully vetted and specifically hired for each client. This model utilizes gig economy workers . In the long-term, the company would like to expand the product into other verticals.
As the sole designer, I designed the entire product from a blank slate, which consisted of the live chat widget, user-facing site, experts console, client admin console, and internal admin console. I sketched explorations, created wireframes, drafted user flows, and created high-fidelity designs for implementation. To accomplish this, I worked closely with the technical director, overseas engineering team, VP of Product, and CEO. A freelance designer was hired to design the homepage and marketing website (magnet.com).
Sketch, Zeplin, Jira
February 2019 - September 2019
How might we help online shoppers make the right purchase for their needs?
Many online beauty purchases end in returns because the products don't meet expectations. Making an online purchasing decision can also be stressful because a user is presented with so many options. Users can spend extended amounts of time researching to make their decision. Users may also choose not to purchase anything due to decision paralysis.
Magnet Beauty’s goal is to utilize expert knowledge to help users make an informed purchase. The experience mimics the act of asking an associate for help while shopping in store.
How might we help companies staff their live chat services with the appropriate number of agents at the right times?
Many companies with live chat services face the issue of staffing the appropriate number of agents. Peak and trough times can occur unexpectedly leading to losing out on opportunities to convert customers or overspending on staff.
To resolve the issue of peak times, Magnet Beauty employs gig economy workers who can fill in for agents when needed. The company also monitors engagement to discover patterns and help the clients adjust. The product package consists of a live chat widget, experts console, and client admin console.
Live chat widget
Users are able to communicate with experts over live chat to get their questions answered and receive product suggestions. The user can learn more about who they're chatting with through the bio. Clients can customize the widget according to their brand, and the widget can be implemented on both mobile and desktop browsers and applications.

Experts console